Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)/Occurrence or death in care
Fdc educators are to be aware of the emergency procedures involved in the event of sudden infant death syndrome and/ or death from any other reason whilst in care.
If the child is found not breathing the initial response of the educator will be:
- Call 000/112 and give the following details
- Child’s condition,
- Name, address and telephone number of the educator,
- Nearest land mark to help them to reach you quickly
- Continue with CPR until Ambulance arrives, whilst putting your mobile phone on speaker to inform the co-ordination unit for help.
- Ensure the front door lock is open for the ambulance to access
- Inform the parents without stopping the CPR if possible, or they can do it when the ambulance takes over to rescue
- Follow the directions of the ambulance personnel.
Approved provider/nominated supervisor/supervisor will be:
- Contact the police and provide the following information
- Name-address-telephone number of the FDC educator’s house
- CPR is in progress
- Ambulance is on the way
- Ensure two staff to the FDC educator’s house, one staff member will supervise the other children in the other section of the FDC house, second staff member will contact the parent of any other children in care, explaining that their own children are fine however, there has been an emergency at the FDC educator’s home and need to be picked up either by them or their emergency contacts.
- Remain at the FDC home as long as if necessary.
- Notify the regulatory authority within 24 hours
- Arrange for appropriate counselling for those who involved including the children
- parent/guardian and inform them that the child has gone missing and that the police will be contacted
July 2018 |
July 2019 |
Policy created for First Idea Family Day Care Services, inclusive of changes to the National Quality Standards and Education and Care National Regulations |