Students and Volunteers
To give clear guidelines to the students/volunteers and other stakeholders to ensure the safety and health of the children while the students/volunteers are at the service, while children are being educated and cared for.
These guidelines will apply to the Approved provider, nominated supervisor, educational leader, supervisors, educators, staff, students on placement, volunteers, parents/guardian, children and others attending the service.
To support the students/volunteers to learn and upgrade the required skills
To follow the code of ethics
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children and the educators
At FIRST IDEA FAMILY DAY CARE SERVICES, we are committed to provide opportunities for students and volunteers to participate in practical placements, while ensuring the children’s health, safety and wellbeing is protected at all times
The Approved Provider (or delegate) is responsible for
- accepting or rejecting a potential student/volunteers-based placement will be arranged by Nominated supervisor based on the circumstances of the service at the time, in consultation with the educators.
- signing and returning the work placement agreement
- ensure that in its dealings with the student/volunteer and at all times during the placement that it complies with all laws and the requirements of any governmental authority or other authority having jurisdiction over the Employer, including but not limited to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
- ensuring that children being educated and cared for by the service are adequately supervised, and the legislated educator-to-child ratios are complied with at all times (Regulations 123, 355, 360)
- ensuring that, the Working with Children (WWC) Check has been read/sighted prior to the students/volunteer’s commencement at the service.
- ensuring that the Police check has been received prior to the students/volunteer’s commencement at the service
- Ensure the educator record must include the full name, address and date of birth of each student or volunteer who participates in the family day care service (regulation 149)
- Ensure that the record of the Record of the Record of the Family Day Care educator includes the details of the volunteers and students as set out in the regulation 149(regulation 154)
FDC Educators are responsible for
- Ensuring the Approved provider has approved the student/volunteer placement before the commencement by getting a copy of filled, signed work placement agreement, working with children check, police check
- ensuring that volunteers/students are adequately supervised at all times, and that the health, safety and wellbeing of children at the service is protected
- ensuring that volunteers/students are not left with sole supervision of individual children or groups of children
- providing volunteers/students with access to all service policies and procedures.
- to explain the expectations of FIRST IDEA FAMILY DAY CARE SERVICES, regarding performance of tasks, standards of work, hours of work, Occupational Health and Safety requirements and any other relevant details, prior to commencement
- to inform clients and its staff as to the role of the student while undertaking placement.
- to notify the relevant education service if it is felt that the student is not complying with the general rules of the employer, or not making satisfactory progress.
- to notify the education service if the student is absent or late.
- to verify student attendance records.
- completing any reports on the individual performance/competence
- communicating with any third parties regarding the individual’s placement
Students/Volunteers are responsible for
- to arrange for a Working with Children Check and police check and present the original to the host employer.
- to complete and sign practical placement agreement
- ensuring they have provided all details required to complete the staff record
- understanding and acknowledging the requirement for confidentiality of all information relating to educators and families within the service
- complying with the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and with all service policies and procedures, including the Code of Conduct Policy, while at the service
- undertaking the induction process prior to commencement at the service
- following the directions of staff at the service at all times to ensure that the health, safety and wellbeing of children is protected.
- to work within the employer’s structure, meet the employer’s standards, policies and procedures
- to work within the hours identified on the practical placement agreement form
- to conform to the employer’s hours and arrangements.
- to be aware of and adhere to ethical standards
- to inform the FDC Educator 1 hour before their agreed starting time by text message if they are absent.
- to actively participate in the professional learning process
- to be aware that they are a student and not an extra staff member
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 | Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 | National Quality Standards |
165,167,174 | 149,154 | 4 |
Related resources
- Education and Care Services National Regulations
- Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA
- Working with Children Check Unit, Department of Justice, Victoria:
Related Legislations
- Education and Care Services National Regulations (regulation 168)
- Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (section 169)
- National Quality Standard 4.2
- Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
- Fair Work Act 2009 (CT)
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic)
- Working with Children Act 2005 (Vic)
- Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
POLICY REVIEWED | July 2018 | NEXT REVIEW DATE | July 2019 |
MODIFICATIONS | Policy created for First Idea Family Day Care Services, inclusive of changes to the National Quality Standards and Education and Care National Regulations |