Record of staff policy and procedure
To create and maintain a register of staff engaged or employed by FIRST IDEA FDC SERVICES in accordance with regulation 154 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
These guidelines will apply to the Approved provider, nominated supervisor, educational leader, supervisors, staff, students on placement, volunteers, and others attending the service.
FIRST IDEA FAMILY DAY CARE SERVICES, will ensure that the register is developed and maintained of Family Day Care Educators as per regulation 154
The Nominated Supervisor is responsible for recording and updating required information and ensure the register includes the following details:
1. the name of the person currently designated as the educational leader in accordance with regulation 118; and
2. in relation to a nominated supervisor, the information set out in regulation 146; and
3. (c) in relation to each other staff member of the family day care service, the information set out in regulation 147; and
4. in relation to volunteers and students, the information set out in regulation 149; and
5. in relation to each family day care educator assistant approved by FIRST IDEA FAMILY DAY CARE
SERVICES the following information is recorded:
- The full name, address and date of birth of the Educator assistant.
- The contact details of the Educator assistant.
- The address of the residence or approved Family Day Care venue where the Educator assistant will be providing education and care to children as part of the service, including a statement as to whether it is a residence or a venue.
- The date that the Educator assistant was engaged by, or registered with, the service.
- When applicable, the date that the Educator assistant ceased to be engaged by or registered with the service, for the period of three years following that date.
- The days and hours when the Educator assistant will usually be providing education and care to children as part of the service.
- Evidence that the Educator assistant has completed; current approved first aid training, current approved anaphylaxis management training and current approved emergency asthma management training.
- Evidence of any other relevant training completed by the Educator assistant.
- A record of the identifying number of the Working with Children Check, Working with Children Card, Working with Vulnerable People Check or Criminal History Record Check or teacher registration of each person referred to in paragraph (xiv) who is required to provide the check, card, record or registration under regulation 163 and the date of expiry of that check, card or registration, if applicable, and:
- The date that the check, card, record or registration was sighted by the approved provider or Nominated Supervisor of the service.
- Ensure the register of staff, Co-ordinators and FDC educator assistant is kept in the principal office of FIRST IDEA FAMILY DAY CARE SERVICES, (94 Doveton avenue, Eumemmerring, Vic,3177).
- Ensure the FDC educators register is accessible to the Certified supervisor, supervisors, any authorised delegates from the regulatory authority.
POLICY REVIEWED | July 2018 | NEXT REVIEW DATE | July 2019 |
MODIFICATIONS | Policy created for First Idea Family Day Care Services, inclusive of changes to the National Quality Standards and Education and Care National Regulations |